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Public Business Directory

Note:  Businesses must be approved by Admin so they will not show up right away.


Crackerjack Art Photography

Local, affordable photography - specializing in families, children, and high school seniors. Established in 2006. 

Online Portfolio:  hannahlewiston.portfolio.com 


Contact:   Midlothian, TX 76065   |   Cell: 972-979-4113

Krafty Koz

Krafty Koz specilaizes in all things custom and trendy! We offer the highest quality items in custom apparel and gifts for years to come. Items include custom shirt designs, handmade jewelry, keychains, waterbottles and other one of a kind specialty gift items

Be sure to follow our Etsy shop for the latest in our new items and all of our social media platforms for giveaways and popup events.

Instagram: @krafty.koz.co 

Facebook: @kraftykoz

Pinterest: @KraftyKozCo

Check back each week as we stock our shop with new items! Thank you for shopping small and supporting our small biz! LOCAL PICKUPS ARE FREE! Use Promo Code: LOCALPICKUP for Etsy

Contact:   105 Arabian Road, Waxahachie, TX 75165   |   Phone: 14698319309