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Who are we?

FED is a group of families who came together in 2018 to share the responsibilities of educating our children.  We were looking for ways to help our families as they walk this homeschool journey together. As our group began to expand, we moved it from our individual homes to a local church, and currently, we meet at Camp Hoblitzelle in Midlothian, TX.  In 2022, FED received its official certification as a 501 3(c) nonprofit.

Purpose Statement
FED has the purpose of assisting families in furthering their educational opportunities through classes, services, and support in a Christian environment.

Our Homeschool Model 
We strongly believe in sharing the work as well as the experience of educating our children.  Aside from introducing our children to Christ, giving them a solid foundation for education is very important.  We understand everyone brings different gifts and strengths to the table as well as areas of weaknesses.  It is our hope to use the strengths we bring to the table to overcome our weaknesses and make us better as a whole.

Managing Board of Directors
FED is led by a Board of Directors, governed by bylaws approved and filed with the State of Texas in 2021.  Per the bylaws the Board of Directors will consist of at least three (3), but no more than eleven (11) members.  Directors must be at least 18 years of age, a professing Christian, and have participated as a member of FED for at least one year.

To see a list of current board members, visit the Leadership Page of the website.

Membership Qualifications
FED accepts all homeschool families, regardless of belief or background.  Families must have at least one school-aged child (age 5 and above).  Families must agree to abide by our guidelines and respect our Statement of Faith while participating in any FED activities on or off campus. 

Homeschool In Texas
In the state of Texas, home schools are recognized as private schools. As such, you, as the student’s parent, are always the homeschool teacher.  FED is here to assist you in that educating process, through our qualified tutors.  You, as the teacher, have the responsibility of selecting classes, purchasing curriculum, keeping records, and making final decisions for your student's education.

Statement of Christian Faith
We believe the Bible to be the inerrant Word of God. We believe in the one true God who is eternal.  We believe that man came by direct creation of God and not evolution.  We believe that man was created in the image of God and that he created man and woman.  We believe man is spiritually lost and separated due to sin. We believe that Jesus was fully man and God, born of a virgin and lived a perfect life. We believe that Jesus paid the price for our sins by the shedding of His blood on the cross. We believe that salvation is by grace alone and by believing in and accepting Christ as your personal Savior.  As believers and followers of Christ, we are called to live lives pleasing to the Lord and to abstain from sinful practices that grieve Him.  We believe that God is the giver of life and all human life is sacred and to be protected and preserved. We believe in sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ through word and deed but not forcing God or his laws upon anyone who does not believe. We believe all people have the right to hear and to choose for themselves whether to follow Jesus, but WE reserve the right to teach Jesus in our classrooms and in our homeschool community.

Gender Statement
We believe at FED that all people are made in the image of a holy, righteous God. This means that every human being has immeasurable worth, dignity, and value. We believe that God created two genders, male and female. (Genesis 1:27) And we believe the Scriptures show that God assigns gender in the womb to children and identifies that by their biological and anatomical traits. Therefore, FED reserves the right to address children by their God-given gender.

We know that some children struggle with gender dysphoria and are aware this can be a natural process of development. We know and recognize this is often a heart-breaking struggle for both the child and the family, and we encourage both to seek the help needed from pastors and counselors.  We at FED reserve the right to protect both the child struggling with gender dysphoria or same-sex attraction, as well as all other students who attend FED. Therefore, name-calling and harmful words will not be tolerated. If and when relational conflict occurs, we expect parents to work out their concerns with other parents in a loving and Christ-like manner.  We also expect parents to lead and direct their child in appropriate behavior (this includes clothes that correspond to their gender) while participating at FED events.

The leadership of FED has deep convictions around gender and sexual ethics that flow from the Scriptures. We also have compassionate hearts. We hope both our conviction and compassion are felt. We know that every child/family situation is unique, so the Board reserves the right to view each situation individually and make decisions that will benefit FED and its members.